
yeah! i'm a dork

i know that i'm not good enough,
i don't have pretty face, smart brain, 

but i love being myself!
i'm a dork!


因此我下定了決心,我要像夏天一樣嘗試新東西(見戀夏五百日 第八日 米麗訂婚會的片段),最近don't bother me 的表情不斷(像前一秒鐘張媽媽叫我幫他做icon打斷我的網誌行程過程就讓我很想做那表情),強顏歡笑有點痛苦,因此我需要出去走走,我想約會(L),林柔妤可以約我嗎?想做的事情很多,可是我可能需要你們推我一把。即使我很頑固,某種程度上。

live my life, get for it!


Who says I can't get stoned
Turn off the lights and the telephone
Me in my house alone
Who says I can't get stoned

Who says I can't be free
From all of the things that I used to be
Rewrite my history
Who says I can't be free

It's been a long night in New York City
It's been a long night in Baton Rouge
I don't remember you looking any better
But then again I don't remember you

Who says I can't get stoned
Call up a girl that I used to know
Fake love for an hour or so
Who says I can't get stoned

Who says I can't take time
Meet all the girls in the county line
Wait on fate to send a sign
Who says I can't take time

It's been a long night in New York City
It's been a long night in Austin too
I don't remember you looking any better
But then again I don't remember you

Who says I can't get stoned
Plan a trip to Japan alone
Doesn't matter if I even go
Who says I can't get stoned

It's been a long night in New York City
It's been a long time since 22
I don't remember you looking any better
But then again I don't remember you