
comme des enfants




昨天半夜睡不著,跑來想自己所想要的東西,淨是些可欲不可求的東西。一張設計師款的椅子,連房間都整理不來了,為什麼也要把張椅子搞慘。一台bmw的休旅車,如果我有錢買,但明明載過的朋友只有一個,哪來實現廣告裡面的朋友出遊的情境。一個穿著有形的貼心男友,最好跟ugly betty的matt的個性相符,挖晒我到底要怎麼樣用我這壞脾氣找到一個男友。一台mini cooper、漂亮有形的耳機、出國旅遊⋯⋯

原本想把願望list po成一篇讓人取笑的文章,但實質上又不想要被取笑。經過一個沒有事情的下午,我思考了我生日所需,大概是真的很positive的生活,不是那種我還需要一而再再而三拿出來講的生活。該感到滿足的事情太多,應該要開心一點才對。 :)

Coeur de pirate - comme des enfants
jenny & ruby為之瘋狂:)

Alors tu vois, comme tout se mêle

Et du coeur à tes lèvres, je deviens un casse-tête

Ton rire me crie, de te lâcher
Avant de perdre prise, et d’abandonner
Car je ne t’en demanderai jamais autant
Déjà que tu me traites, comme un grand enfant
Nous n’avons plus rien à risquer
A part nos vies qu’on laisse de coté

Mais il m’aime encore, et moi je t’aime un peu plus fort
Mais il m’aime encore, et moi je t’aime un peu plus fort

C’en est assez de ces dédoublements

C’est plus dure à faire, qu’autrement
Car sans rire c’est plus facile de rêver
A ce qu’on ne pourra, jamais plus toucher

On se prend la main, comme des enfants

Le bonheur aux lèvres, un peu naïvement
Et on marche ensemble, d’un pas décidé
Alors que nos têtes nous crient de tout arrêter

Il m’aime encore, et toi tu t’aime un peu plus fort
Mais il m’aime encore, et moi je t’aime un peu plus fort
Mais il m’aime encore, et moi je t’aime un peu plus fort

Malgré ça il m’aime encore, et moi je t’aime un plus fort

Mais il m’aime encore, et moi je t’aime un peu plus fort

Encore, et moi je t’aime un peu plus fort
Mais il m’aime encore, et moi je t’aime pas plus fort

Malgré ça il m’aime encore, et moi je t’aime un plus fort
Mais il m’aime encore, et moi je t’aime un peu plus fort

Malgré ça il m’aime encore, et moi je t’aime un plus fort
Mais il m’aime encore, et moi je t’aime un peu plus fort

Malgré ça il m’aime encore, et moi je t’aime un plus fort

Mais il m’aime encore, et moi je t’aime un peu plus fort


ca va aller

今天看了蔡國強的展覽,或許是因為波濤洶湧的情緒,更能讓我接受他使用火藥所營造的感覺,跟我想像中的comforting sound也非常的相近。

最近越來越喜歡平靜而喜悅的感覺,將心中的不平衡壓抑下來,好像可以學白雪公主waiting on the world to change. 只是等的不是白馬王子,是比較能接受一切的自己。

希望把壞脾氣丟掉,變得不會這麼在乎別人的眼光,比較能自得其樂。能隨著晴天心情晴朗起來,但也能夠隨著雨天微笑。this is what i want :)

probably it's not necessary to say this, but thank you, you and you :)

Girls - Laura
讓人開心的歌:) thanks大鼻的分享

Where did it start?
We used to be friends
Now when I run into you, I pretend I don't see you
I know that you hate me

I've tried to be tough
I've tried to be mean
I don't want to be like this
And I hope that you listen
All I'm trying to say is

Reach out and touch me
I'm right here
And I don't want to find anymore
I really wanna be your friend forever
Friend until the end of the

I know I've made mistakes
But I'm asking you give me a break
I really wanna be your friend forever
Friends forever

You've been a bitch
I've been an ass
I don't want to point the finger
I just know I don't like it
I don't wanna do this

What can I do? (What should I do?)
Is it too late? (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
I just want to say I'm sorry
And I hope you listen
I'm trying to say this

Reach out and touch me
I'm right here
And I don't want to find anymore
I really wanna be your friend forever
Friend until the end of your

I know I've made mistakes
But I'm asking you to give me a break
I really wanna be your friend forever
Friends forever

Alright, baby, I'm right here
And I don't wanna fight anymore
I really wanna be your friend forever
Friend until the end of your

I know I've made mistakes
But I'm asking you to give me a break
I really wanna be your friend forever
Friends forever


♥ ♥ ♥


想做的事情好多,又不自禁的很想列list lol

我真的很想減肥 我受夠當個胖子 我不想要有muffin's top了!

我真的很想學吉他 雖然我已經忘記是哪一首歌讓我有動機想學的

日文 我真的想把他抓回來!好好努力才行 <3<3<3

我想去玩 去拜訪大家<3 宜蘭 台中我一定要去!

我想要充實的寒假 要更心平氣和 positive girl lol

The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - A Teenager In Love


Now you go unseen, perfect you'll stay hidden
And I can dream of things you'll never see
Alli please, if you are braver than the rest,
There's little left that could dispute your claim

And when you'd finally gone
He tells me you were dead all along
He was wrong, he hadn't lived a day
The way you lived your final days
A teenager in love with Christ and heroin

Now you feel ashamed
But he feels nothing of the kind
He talks of things he wouldn't mind to try sometime
But you've little left to give
Hiss touch is no a thing you'll ever miss

And when you'd finally gone
He tells me you were dead all along
He was wrong, he hadn't lived a day
The way you lived your final days
A teenager in love with Christ and heroin

And if you made a stand,
I would stand with you 'til the end
But you don't need a friend when you're
A teenager in love with Christ and heroin