



Belle and Sebastian - Get me away from here, I'm dying

ooh! get me away from here i'm dying
Play me a song to set me free
Nobody writes them like they used to
So it may as well be me
Here on my own now after hours
Here on my own now on a bus
Think of it this way
You could either be successful or be us
With our winning smiles, and us
With our catchy tunes and words
Now we're photogenic
You know, we don't stand a chance
Oh, i'll settle down with some old story
About a boy who's just like me
Thought there was love in everything and everyone
You're so naive!
They always reach a sorry ending
They always get it in the end
Still it was worth it as i turned the pages solemnly, and then
With a winning smile, the poor boy
With naivety succeeds
At the final moment, i cried
I always cry at endings
Oh, that wasn't what i meant to say at all
From where i'm sitting, rain
Falling against the lonely tenement
Has set my mind to wander
Into the windows of my lovers
They never know unless i write
"this is no declaration, i just thought i'd let you know goodbye"
Said the hero in the story
"it is mightier than swords
I could kill you sure
But i could only make you cry with these words"



いつも 強くないなぁ 私、曲げられない女になりたい!


昨日見了親愛的手抖症基金會的成員,發現從小到大,一直有瘋狂的友人陪伴,跟你們在一起好沒煩惱,重新catch up大家的生活 好開心;)(偷來的圖 真是不好意思)
手抖 バンザイ!

過兩天就要開學了,時間過太快會不會太過份了一點?或是我生活過的太慵懶 會不會太過份了一點?
Face à la réalité!!!;) bon courage!

特別企劃 兩首好歌;)

miwa - don't cry anymore
最近收看的日劇 “決定不能哭的日子“的主題曲,女主角榮倉奈奈真是我少女時候的偶像,現在即使剪了短髮還是很有味道;)
btw 這支典型的日本MV,外景的天空特別美XD

ギリギリだって 一人きりだって
負けたくないの 冗談じゃないわ
I don't cry anymore
I don't cry anymore
強くならなきゃ 言い聞かせてる
どんな時でも 泣かないから

ぬくもり感じ眠ると幸せだった それが
永 遠に続くと思ってた なのに
どうしてなんだろう 信じていたものは嘘だった

震える足 で 今踏み出したいよ

ギリギリだって 一人きりだって
負けたくないの 冗談じゃないわ
I don't cry anymore
I don't cry anymore
強くならなきゃ 言い聞かせてる
どんな時でも 泣かないから

どこを探しても 私の居場所が 見つからない
声が聞きたいよ ホントは会いたいけど

振り返らずに 歩いていかなくちゃ

ギ リギリだって 輝きたくて
私ならまだ やれるはずだわ
I don't cry anymore
I don't cry anymore
涙こらえて 顔をあげたら
大丈夫だよって つぶやいてみる

わからなくて もがいて 迷って
つかみたい 今叶えたい

ゴメンそんなに 強くないんだ
たとえかすかな 希望だとしても
持ち続けたい ずっと

ギリギリだって がむしゃらになって
生 きてゆくんだ 終わりじゃないわ
I don't cry anymore
I don't cry anymore
強くならなきゃ 言い聞かせてる
どんな時でも 泣かないから

無理やりだって がむしゃらになって
生きてゆくんだ 終わりじゃないわ
I don't cry anymore
I don't cry anymore
どんな時でも 泣かないから
いつかきっと 笑えるから

Belle and Sebastian - Women's Realm
讓我們開心起舞,張姐姐說有買他們的CD 改天來灌;)

I don't care whether you hear this
I don't care if I'm alone here singing songs to myself
There's nobody else around, around
Meet you up at the Indian part of the town
The town's shut down, the people left with their bags
Their kids so there's not a sound a sound

But I must get from there to here
There's a small voice crying on the other side of the river from here
It's too late to phone her now
What went wrong, your grades were good
It would take a left wing Robin Hood to pay for school
Your dad's a boozer and you keep him alive

Just a minute close your eyes
If we settle for this compromise I'll stay with you
The river looks so good tonight
I don't know what's with your friend
She met a boy and at the summer's end
She said she'd had enough of playing games

I don't care cause I'm by myself
All the dancers left but I can't dance
So I will stay and clean the mess they left behind
But I dream as I set to scrub all the floors, the walls
I'm thinking of a song or two, a boy a girl a rendezvous

Are you coming or are you not?
There is nothing that would sort you out
There's nothing I could say or do
You're going to crash, I'll set the bails in front of you
Are you coming or are you not?
There is nothing that would sort you out
An interesting way of life
Deny yourself the benefits of being alive

You slept better in a sleeping train in a shed in a station
With a torch and a Woman's Realm to keep you warm
To keep you company
You slept better in a sleeping train in a shed in a station
With a torch and a Woman's Realm to keep you company tonight