

事情好多,好像得花上剩餘三四倍的時間才做的完。星期五再一次去了卡米地,把自己的情緒調整過來。過去四個月太多累贅,就從五月的魚蹦興業,讓我重新做人吧。話說下個月卡米地就要離開師大夜市,對__的邀約似乎要停滯了,我以為我可以當從前的自己,勇敢的說出自己想說的話,沒想到隨著時間的流逝,只變得更膽小。“摸摸:)”  (話說我們幸運的找到三位看劇新夥伴)

星期六終於讓我搭上青春的列車,一行人去了平溪,雖然沒在那邊做什麼,但桂花粽已爬上我心中的“中意粽子前三名”,我會為了桂花粽在去石碇一趟。或是直接去興城街吃四神我也喜歡的粽子。(讚)晚上大家一起吃合菜,雖然大家說不好吃,但我喜歡那種像一家人坐在一起吃飯的感覺,好像很久沒參與班上大事務的感覺,有點奇妙。請讓我回到軌道上 :) 請讓我說 “_____” (填空格好像很好玩,請自行發揮)

夜間活動,去了新店__山上,碧潭好美,好像比利時。哈哈哈哈哈哈,雖然我沒有照片但我絕對沒有誇飾。認真的覺得,怎麼會有人想要晚上爬山看螢火蟲,我們像傻瓜到一座隨時都可能會有蛇或是蜘蛛出沒的山林中,與其說是看螢火蟲,我覺得我們比較像在看接觸不良的led燈。但燈光不好氣氛滿佳的,說了好多八卦,嘻嘻。但知道些負面消息不得不讓我說,負負得正,我心情好爽快。「不要受傷了。」 夜晚的美,讓我想起好多美好過去:)

雖然星期天回到現實來,我痛恨alias,我就是很不會蓋3D!!! 我就是很不會!!!! 但我會為了跟你們在一起,繼續努力。

Slash & Adam Levine - Gotten

So nice to see your face again
Tell me how long has it been
Since you’ve been here
(since you’ve been here)
You look so different than before
You’re still the person I adore
Frozen with fear
All out of love but I take it from the past
All out of words cause I’m sure it’ll never last

I’ve been saving these last words for one last miracle
But now I’m not sure
I can’t save you if you don’t let me
You just get me like I’ve never been gotten before

Maybe it’s a bitter wind
That chilled from the pacific rim
That brought you this way
(brought you my way)
Do not make me think of him
The way he touched your fragile skin
That haunts me every day
I’m out of love but I can’t forget the past
I’m out of words but I’m sure it’ll never last

I’ve been saving these last words for one last miracle
But now I’m not sure
I can’t save you if you don’t let me
You just get me like I’ve never been gotten before
Like I’ve never been gotten before

Slash Solo

So nice to see your face again
But tell me will this ever end
Don’t disappear

I’ve been saving these last words for one last miracle
But now I’m not sure
And I can’t save you if you don’t let me
You just get me like I’ve never been gotten before
Like I’ve never been gotten before


no reasons joy

昨天太開心,讓我忍不住想要打網誌,即使在這種岌岌可危的慘設評圖前夕(哭哭)。昨天說有多奔波就有多奔波,早上以為sally的課會有學長姊分享(but no :S),提早到整理602,我不懂,為什麼有人吃完便當會忘了把他拿去丟而遺留在教室呢?飲料瓶也是多的誇張,但因為如此我發現我生平中的另外一個技能—掃地:) 可以當威猛女俠了。還好sally老師提早下課,讓我能趕快安心的去找產設材料,跑了圖書館雙連街永樂市場又跑回雙連搭捷運到新生的光華商場(大概沒有跑只有散步到哪裡),然而我還是沒找到我要的插頭(哭哭) 在辛苦的奔波下,我又不小心的在無意識情況下買了義美巧克力冰淇淋銅鑼燒,無比美味的銅鑼燒冰淇淋跟憂鬱少年的power一樣大,把我從現實困境中拉回桃花源:D 在前往bravo burger的路上,小小的在吳牛家歇息了一會:),吳牛二十一歲生日,新家除了冷氣機外一切完美,還有電動(大拇指)生日快樂joyeux anniversaire ma belle<3 <3 <3 then 久違的故人,與潘小豬陳伯蝦米還有大熊一起去吃了burger,請讓我送給花生醬牛肉堡一百萬個香吻,我好喜歡你!(啊 告白了)國小同學到國中同學到偶像迷妹同好到大學同學的奇妙的組合,我們還去吃了31冰淇淋,可以把冰淇淋之王大獎頒發給31了謝謝。 then去吃31時還見到了李婷婷與北科工設友人們,莫名其妙的認識新朋友,在初次見面的時候,我開玩笑的說:「該不會要交換名片了吧!」沒想到他們真的有名片,開這種無聊的小玩笑,真是羞愧至極啊,我也想要名片了。話說北科大三竟然要設計車子,想到就腿軟了。每次遇到已大三的老朋友們,都會被時光飛逝給嚇了一跳,對未來好沒方向,但把握當下還是最重要的吧:)加油。

讓我們來解釋一下圖片的內容,【圖一】幾百年沒有拍大合照這種東西,或是說很少跟一大群人出去。【圖二】仿兒時沙龍照,福林國小組,以前畢業沙龍照真的超詭異,為什麼女生都要拿一束花,為什麼男生要拿棒球棒或皮卡丘!性別歧視性別歧視!我還撥了我的女鬼長髮,好可怕,往事不堪回首。或是年少無知時樂趣無窮(好兩極) anyway好開心,能跟老朋友出去,是最幸福的一件事情,期待期末你們來大直找我玩:) love you guys<3

btw 在愉快的氛圍下,還是要提及到一件非常嚴肅可怕的事情,《伊崎央登也退出演藝圈了》,今天真的是驚喜無窮,孤軍奮戰的伊崎右典能順利的在演藝圈打出一片天嗎?敬請期待。(什麼跟什麼)身為七年來的迷妹,雖然已經沒像從前這麼瘋狂了,誠心希望伊崎右典趕快找到對的方向(我也趕快找到才好。)

得去趕產設了,手感家電好不容易,我們都要加油:) 夠夠工二甲

Travis - One night

I wake up to find you lying awake
With your hands in your head,
You cannot run, can't escape from the things
That you said.

And you can tell anybody,
Anybody who comes,
You can tell anybody.
But the damage's done,
The new day's begun.

One night can change everything in your life,
One night can make everything alright.
One night can turn all your colors to white,
One night - it's easier said than done.

Turning and turning but never returning,
To what you once had,
Learning to care for the ones you hold dear,
But it's too...yeah it's too bad.

One night can change everything in your life,
One night can make everything alright.
One night can turn all your colors to white,
One night - it's easier said than done.

All that I am
All that I am

Lying beside you as cold as a statue,
Your hands are still warm,
Trying to wake you as daylight
It breaks through the eye of the storm

So you can tell everybody,
Everybody who comes,
You can tell everybody,
But the damage is done.
The new day's begun.

One night can change everything in your life,
One night can make everything alright.
One night can turn all your colors to white,
One night - it's easier said than done.

One night..one...one night...one...
One night - it's easier said than done.