



Merry XMAS, i love you all


i crave you

We NEED each other.


Remember me

Please remember me when I'm gone
Smile when you think about me singing you this song
and I will look above the clouds into
the great mysterious blue
and think about you singing along

Now when I'm looking at you
all I see is a melody arranged in triplet form
sung so soft, and so it seems
even if I lose the moment or the tune
I'll think about you singing to me


today is today

je suis contente, ich bin froh, I'm happy, 嬉しかった, 開心

希望以wan-ting正面媽媽一樣 帶來歡笑帶來愛 雖然最大的受益者還是我
因為我好開心 在開心入睡之前 要說

身為email控首領 上課收信 下課收信 公車上收信 用別人電腦收信 一直收信
就為了收到好久不見的老朋友 一封簡訊一封email :)
這時候就變得很喜歡西方人有話直說,“我喜歡你” “我想念你” 都好容易說出口喔

簡單樸實的小小幸福 北極熊的冰淇淋 加美味珍珠 便宜又大杯
感冒還沒好,但快好了,偷嚐友人冰淇淋 雖然說含一下在吞下去比較好
還是不小心的在一瞬間把他吞下去 好爽指數大概可以跟吃義美巧克力銅鑼燒一樣
送啦!迫不及待的想大口吃冰淇淋 感冒快點好 :D

回來將近兩個月,當初櫻花機拍的照片因為沒有把整捲拍完,遲遲不能拿去洗 finally 明天晚上就可以拿到柏林回憶最後一發 又是個迫不及待
今天看著ivy使用ameba 讓人不小心又掉入時間的陷阱 往事不堪回首 看了一下以前自己寫的網誌 又蠢又生澀 但是從那時後開始 我就是個愛懷舊的女孩 每一次都要花好久的時間 把一件自己覺得很快樂的事情 從無法控制的喜悅轉換到平靜下來的美好回憶
其實我想說 因為喜歡沒有煩惱的自己 喜歡沒有污染的清新空氣 喜歡逛不完的博物館美術館
喜歡你們看我耍白癡卻還在我身邊照顧我(沒有大方的坐下來) 喜歡每天在skandia喝上三杯加倍濃縮的咖啡 喜歡點donner時我破破的德文逗得老闆笑 喜歡店員親切的招呼 喜歡朋友在身邊的感覺 我好想念柏林
思念是一種很懸的東西 聽the kooks聽太多除了想到你們也一直想到700封收發室等我整理的信
明天我會藉由照片洗出來這個奇妙的場合 大方的跟你們連絡:)

全世界最痛苦的事情 連上三次課 概念全被老師打槍打光光
其實早就能預料的結果 做自己不喜歡的東西沒有感覺的東西 好痛苦
常常很傻很敏感 就像少女革命的結局 總覺得全世界的劍都朝著自己
這時候俊豪大天使拯救了我 聽起來或許有點傻 但是被肯定的時候 真的感動的想哭 嗚嗚
所以當我決定做自己 我得到了極大的快樂 :) 希望星期二跟大中討論也可以得到happy ending <3 我好想做笑臉寶特瓶 祝我好運 喜悅五號: 其實我很怕club8 但不得不承認 他們的歌讓我心情愉悅:) 前幾天為了在博客來上買日文課本 不想付手續費的關係 不小心衝動的買了兩張club8的專輯 久違的聽歌跳舞的衝動又回來了 好想party 但對於人潮的恐懼 我還需要一點時間克服 還有腦中大中的話“設計要一心多用” 我的專長是分心 但我絕對不能一心多用 連兩用都無法了 我想在達到神的一心多用境界之前 我還是好好的想我的慘設 好好的做好自己本分該做的事情吧 club8威力不夠的時候 我還有magic kid:)


哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 明天會不會因為慘設沒做完而崩潰 心情起伏好大
希望明天如果看到這篇文章 我還可以得到一些快樂


you won't light up my life



Little sister

We used to say
That we were
Brother and sister
We used to think..
Nothing, was ever better

Today I break, my promises
to stay out of the emptiness
Today let's make our promises
For tomorrow

We used to play
All the games
where no one's the winner
We used to laugh
And make lies
Sound even better

Today I break my promises
To stay out of the emptiness
Today let's make our promises
for tomorrow

La lalalalala La lalalala la(....)

We used to swear
That we were
Brother and sister
We always knew
that you would take me out there

Today I break, my promises
To stay out of the emptiness
Today let's make our promises
for tomorrow

La lalalalala La lalalala la(....)


cry with me baby


嘗試積極的面對每一天,因為領悟到時間不會等人、愛情不會等人,友情更不會等,因為不想要錯過太多,給了自己一些無形的壓力,喜歡自己能笑笑的把任何事情講完,比以往正面許多,但同時doing nothing的想法快填滿我的腦袋,好像躺在床上一整天也沒有關係。人好矛盾喔,就像是以為最熟悉的朋友,卻沒辦法選到他喜歡的禮物一樣。水瓶座就是如此愛探索自己嗎?如果星座真的可以影響一個人很多,下次我想要當一個樂天無腦的人,但跟星座很不熟我也不知道要當哪個星座才對。但或許是因為沒原則的關係,才需要一次一次的檢討探索自己。


Suede - The next life

see you in your next life when we'll fly away for good
stars in our own car we can drive away from here

far away, so far away, down to Worthing and work there
far away, we'll go far away and flog ice creams til the company's on its knees

see you in your next life when we'll fly away for good


yesterday / tomorrow






god, i miss Luke already! Bye Berlin, Hi Taiwan! everything gotta back to normal! no complain :)

The Kooks - Shine on




Blur - No distance left to run

It's over
You don't need to tell me
I hope you're with someone who makes you
feel safe in your sleeping tonight
I won't kill myself, trying to stay in your life
I got no distance left to run

When you see me
Please turn your back and walk away
I don't want to see you
Cos i know the dreams that you keep is wearing me
When your coming down, think of me here
I got no distance left to run

It's over, I knew it would end this way
I hope you're with someone who makes you feel
That this life is the night
And it settles down, stays around
Spends more time with you
I got no distance left to run






in love


hi vacation

避暑去了 Tschüss

Angus and Julia Stone - Mango Tree

I wish I had a mango tree
In my backyard
With you standin next to me
Take the picture
From her lips I heard her say
Can I have you
Caught up on what to say
I said you do

I said you do
I said you do

Through my eyes I can see
A shooting star
Weavn its way across the sea
Somewhere from mars
Down the street we would run
To scratch our names in the path
Young and free in the sun
Wheels upon the tar
I said you do
I said you do
I said you do
I said you do


when to come, when to go

The Teenagers - Love no

You’re always like “why do you have to see your friends so often, are they more important than me?
You spend so much time on your computer, but you shouldn’t, cause your eyes are getting red. Or maybe it’s the… whatever.
Are you really going to eat that pizza? It looks ’so’ greasy!
And your bathroom, it’s more than disgusting”
And i love, and i love, you
And i love, and i love, you
But it’s ok to stay with you
And i love, oh, oh
But it’s ok to stay with you
And i love, oh, oh
“Also you have to stop seeing your ex, ’cause basically she’s your ex, right?
You party too much, no wonder you’re always tired.
What about that movie (?)
I can’t believe you’re watching it again, you’ve already seen it like 15 times.
Please come for dinner with me and my friends, it will be great ’cause we’re ’so’ funny
And for god’s sake, stop smoking all the time!”
You know what?
This morning i woke up, and i saw you’re angry face
And now i’m just wondering
“Are you in love?”
Are you in love?
Are you in love?
Are you in love are you in love?
Are you in love are you in love?
And i love, and i love, you
And i love, and i love, you
But it’s ok to stay with you
And i love, oh, oh
But it’s ok to stay with you
And i love, oh, oh
And i love, and i love, you
And i love, and i love, you
But it’s ok to stay with you
And i love, oh, oh
But it’s ok to stay with you
And i love, oh, oh.


something's coming

i wish i could be by ur side long long long long time.



peux tu me faire un calin?


Suede - by the sea

She can walk out anytime, anytime she wants to walk out, that's fine,
She can walk out anytime, anytime she feels that life has passed her by,
And when I start my new life I won't touch the ground,
I'm gonna try hard this time not to touch the ground.

He can walk out anytime, anytime he wants to walk out, that's fine,
He can walk out anytime, across the sand, into the sea, into the brine,
And when I start my new life I won't touch the ground,
I1m gonna try hard this time not to touch the ground.

So we sold the car and quit the job
and shook some hands and wiped the make-up right off,
And we said our good-byes to the bank
left Seven Sisters for a room in a seaside shack,
And when I start my new life I won't touch the ground,
I'm gonna try hard this time not to touch the ground?

...it's by the sea we'll breed
...into the sea we'll bleed...

James Morrison - wonderfull world
意外的再聽到這首歌,i know it's a wonderful world but i can feel it right now...



事情好多,好像得花上剩餘三四倍的時間才做的完。星期五再一次去了卡米地,把自己的情緒調整過來。過去四個月太多累贅,就從五月的魚蹦興業,讓我重新做人吧。話說下個月卡米地就要離開師大夜市,對__的邀約似乎要停滯了,我以為我可以當從前的自己,勇敢的說出自己想說的話,沒想到隨著時間的流逝,只變得更膽小。“摸摸:)”  (話說我們幸運的找到三位看劇新夥伴)

星期六終於讓我搭上青春的列車,一行人去了平溪,雖然沒在那邊做什麼,但桂花粽已爬上我心中的“中意粽子前三名”,我會為了桂花粽在去石碇一趟。或是直接去興城街吃四神我也喜歡的粽子。(讚)晚上大家一起吃合菜,雖然大家說不好吃,但我喜歡那種像一家人坐在一起吃飯的感覺,好像很久沒參與班上大事務的感覺,有點奇妙。請讓我回到軌道上 :) 請讓我說 “_____” (填空格好像很好玩,請自行發揮)

夜間活動,去了新店__山上,碧潭好美,好像比利時。哈哈哈哈哈哈,雖然我沒有照片但我絕對沒有誇飾。認真的覺得,怎麼會有人想要晚上爬山看螢火蟲,我們像傻瓜到一座隨時都可能會有蛇或是蜘蛛出沒的山林中,與其說是看螢火蟲,我覺得我們比較像在看接觸不良的led燈。但燈光不好氣氛滿佳的,說了好多八卦,嘻嘻。但知道些負面消息不得不讓我說,負負得正,我心情好爽快。「不要受傷了。」 夜晚的美,讓我想起好多美好過去:)

雖然星期天回到現實來,我痛恨alias,我就是很不會蓋3D!!! 我就是很不會!!!! 但我會為了跟你們在一起,繼續努力。

Slash & Adam Levine - Gotten

So nice to see your face again
Tell me how long has it been
Since you’ve been here
(since you’ve been here)
You look so different than before
You’re still the person I adore
Frozen with fear
All out of love but I take it from the past
All out of words cause I’m sure it’ll never last

I’ve been saving these last words for one last miracle
But now I’m not sure
I can’t save you if you don’t let me
You just get me like I’ve never been gotten before

Maybe it’s a bitter wind
That chilled from the pacific rim
That brought you this way
(brought you my way)
Do not make me think of him
The way he touched your fragile skin
That haunts me every day
I’m out of love but I can’t forget the past
I’m out of words but I’m sure it’ll never last

I’ve been saving these last words for one last miracle
But now I’m not sure
I can’t save you if you don’t let me
You just get me like I’ve never been gotten before
Like I’ve never been gotten before

Slash Solo

So nice to see your face again
But tell me will this ever end
Don’t disappear

I’ve been saving these last words for one last miracle
But now I’m not sure
And I can’t save you if you don’t let me
You just get me like I’ve never been gotten before
Like I’ve never been gotten before


no reasons joy

昨天太開心,讓我忍不住想要打網誌,即使在這種岌岌可危的慘設評圖前夕(哭哭)。昨天說有多奔波就有多奔波,早上以為sally的課會有學長姊分享(but no :S),提早到整理602,我不懂,為什麼有人吃完便當會忘了把他拿去丟而遺留在教室呢?飲料瓶也是多的誇張,但因為如此我發現我生平中的另外一個技能—掃地:) 可以當威猛女俠了。還好sally老師提早下課,讓我能趕快安心的去找產設材料,跑了圖書館雙連街永樂市場又跑回雙連搭捷運到新生的光華商場(大概沒有跑只有散步到哪裡),然而我還是沒找到我要的插頭(哭哭) 在辛苦的奔波下,我又不小心的在無意識情況下買了義美巧克力冰淇淋銅鑼燒,無比美味的銅鑼燒冰淇淋跟憂鬱少年的power一樣大,把我從現實困境中拉回桃花源:D 在前往bravo burger的路上,小小的在吳牛家歇息了一會:),吳牛二十一歲生日,新家除了冷氣機外一切完美,還有電動(大拇指)生日快樂joyeux anniversaire ma belle<3 <3 <3 then 久違的故人,與潘小豬陳伯蝦米還有大熊一起去吃了burger,請讓我送給花生醬牛肉堡一百萬個香吻,我好喜歡你!(啊 告白了)國小同學到國中同學到偶像迷妹同好到大學同學的奇妙的組合,我們還去吃了31冰淇淋,可以把冰淇淋之王大獎頒發給31了謝謝。 then去吃31時還見到了李婷婷與北科工設友人們,莫名其妙的認識新朋友,在初次見面的時候,我開玩笑的說:「該不會要交換名片了吧!」沒想到他們真的有名片,開這種無聊的小玩笑,真是羞愧至極啊,我也想要名片了。話說北科大三竟然要設計車子,想到就腿軟了。每次遇到已大三的老朋友們,都會被時光飛逝給嚇了一跳,對未來好沒方向,但把握當下還是最重要的吧:)加油。

讓我們來解釋一下圖片的內容,【圖一】幾百年沒有拍大合照這種東西,或是說很少跟一大群人出去。【圖二】仿兒時沙龍照,福林國小組,以前畢業沙龍照真的超詭異,為什麼女生都要拿一束花,為什麼男生要拿棒球棒或皮卡丘!性別歧視性別歧視!我還撥了我的女鬼長髮,好可怕,往事不堪回首。或是年少無知時樂趣無窮(好兩極) anyway好開心,能跟老朋友出去,是最幸福的一件事情,期待期末你們來大直找我玩:) love you guys<3

btw 在愉快的氛圍下,還是要提及到一件非常嚴肅可怕的事情,《伊崎央登也退出演藝圈了》,今天真的是驚喜無窮,孤軍奮戰的伊崎右典能順利的在演藝圈打出一片天嗎?敬請期待。(什麼跟什麼)身為七年來的迷妹,雖然已經沒像從前這麼瘋狂了,誠心希望伊崎右典趕快找到對的方向(我也趕快找到才好。)

得去趕產設了,手感家電好不容易,我們都要加油:) 夠夠工二甲

Travis - One night

I wake up to find you lying awake
With your hands in your head,
You cannot run, can't escape from the things
That you said.

And you can tell anybody,
Anybody who comes,
You can tell anybody.
But the damage's done,
The new day's begun.

One night can change everything in your life,
One night can make everything alright.
One night can turn all your colors to white,
One night - it's easier said than done.

Turning and turning but never returning,
To what you once had,
Learning to care for the ones you hold dear,
But it's too...yeah it's too bad.

One night can change everything in your life,
One night can make everything alright.
One night can turn all your colors to white,
One night - it's easier said than done.

All that I am
All that I am

Lying beside you as cold as a statue,
Your hands are still warm,
Trying to wake you as daylight
It breaks through the eye of the storm

So you can tell everybody,
Everybody who comes,
You can tell everybody,
But the damage is done.
The new day's begun.

One night can change everything in your life,
One night can make everything alright.
One night can turn all your colors to white,
One night - it's easier said than done.

One night..one...one night...one...
One night - it's easier said than done.


quelqu'un qui m'a dit.

今天真是一場夢,讓我不得不很想要很流水的打出來我做了什麼。昨天是我上了大二最挫折的一次評圖,之前的評圖輕鬆不用講話,昨天讓我了解什麼叫做狗嘴吐不出象牙,即使現在我似乎還是走不出來傷痛,得失心太強好可怕。anyway今天就是來犒賞我昨天的不愉悅,早上去看了親戚的婚禮,吃了很多。但影響我最大的是,我可能以後還是婚禮舉辦小一點好了,所以快跟我套好關係才有機會進入書華的神祕婚禮來賓名單(吧)下午跟瑄瑄相約公館,前往的路上遇到了一場車禍,現在想起來還是好可怕,雖然不認識希望伯伯好起來,還有呼籲大家過馬路要小心、開車的人也要小心,愛惜生命。then下午跟瑄瑄一起去領法檢證書,沒想到瑄瑄天真的認為不須要表明自己的身分就可以領取東西。想說算了反正拍貼行程也不需要拿著證書(即使我很希望我們兩個拿著證書拍照)但發現我們原本設定蓋酷會在我們領證書的時候活著,事實並非如此,蓋酷關了 哭哭。再見拍貼夢。 為了滿足我們have a sababa day的慾望,到公館順道去品嘗了sababa,我喜歡帶點悠閒的公館發現好浪漫,如果哪天誰來實行他的隨口諾言,可能會打動我的心,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。在吃Sababa之前,瑄瑄跟我在溫州公園聊天,看到一個很可愛的洋人妹妹,他吃了路上的小花,不知道是說蠢的可愛還是可愛的蠢。Sababa的摩洛哥漢堡擄獲我的心,即使牙痛讓我還是為他扣了一點分,公館的sababa竟然續杯要加14塊,天母的可以免費續兩杯耶,奇怪的憤怒,但我以後只會在天母吃sababa了。then重頭戲,憂鬱少年決戰東區,今天中午隨口問姊姊要不要一起去看憂鬱少年表演,沒想到他答應了而且還想要跟我決戰東區,張姐姐跟張妹妹都喜歡老實貌的人。雖然姐姐說他看到歐歐抽煙他破滅了,但smoking is not good, but cool 抽煙不好但涼涼的,為了實行他對我下得戰帖,他還是在慣例測字的時候問他跟歐歐未來。我們兩姊妹真的只會嘴炮,好悲慘。哭哭。來說說今天憂鬱少年,揮去我長期輾轉難眠的憂傷(仿文青),以後當別人問我說“欸你平常的休閒活動是什麼啊”,我就可以說“從憂鬱走出來”,什麼跟什麼,我也搞不清楚了,低潮太頻繁,每一次看脫口秀好像就可以放鬆一次,只是明天要在面對alias,不自禁的悲傷,這學期好難熬,希望別人理解自己的憂傷,但別人怎麼可能有超能力來讀我的心,根本有病,但我什麼都說不出口。希望我們都會更好,期中到了,bonne chance a tous!:)

rain - 手記


眼看我們慢慢放開雙手 捨不得
多年相處片段浮現心頭 好難受
要看著你走 YA YA

曾經的溫柔 曾分享的饅頭
是時候 留在我的掌紋中漫遊
曾經的哀愁 曾飛揚的眉頭
是時候 點滴成不朽

我們和平分手 我要還你自由
在你難過時候 在你失意時候
請你記住它仍在你左右 做你的朋友

眼看你站在我視線的背後 捨不得
我怕你也忍不著要回頭 好難受
比賽誰首先淚流 OH YA

曾經的溫柔 曾分享的饅頭
是時候 留在我的掌紋中漫遊
曾經的哀愁 曾飛揚的眉頭
是時候 點滴成不朽

我們和平分手 我要還你自由
OH baby
在你難過時候 在你失意時候
請你記住它仍在你左右 做你的朋友

我們和平分手 我要還你自由
在你難過時候 在你失意時候
請你記住它仍在你左右 做你的朋友

我 即將硬著心腸不回頭
我 即將望穿秋水也不夠

我們和平分手 我要還你自由
在你難過時候 在你失意時候
請你記住它仍在你左右 做你的朋友


always be




dear friend, i miss you.

the Kooks - She moves in her own way

我愛luke唱歌:) 迷人的聲音,讓所有歌都變得好有魅力。心情也因此好了起來

So at my show on Monday
I was hoping someday
You'd be on your way to better things
It's not about your make-up
Or how you try to shape up
To these tiresome paper dreams
Paper dreams, honey

So now you pour your heart out
You're telling me you're far out
You're not about to lie down for your cause
But you don't pull my strings
'Cos I'm a better man
Moving on to better things

Well uh oh, oh I love her because she moves in her own way
Well uh oh, oh she came to my show just to hear about my day

And at the show on Tuesday
She was in her mindset
Tempered furs and spangled boots
Looks are deceiving
Make me believe it
And these tiresome paper dreams
Paper dreams, honey

So wont you go far
Tell me you're a keeper
Not about to lie down for your cause
And you don't pull my strings
'Cos I'm a better man
Moving on to better things

Well oh oh, oh I love her because she moves in her own way
Well oh oh, oh she came to my show just to hear about my day

yes I wish that we never made it
Through all the summers
They're keeping us instead of
Kicking us back
Down through the suburbs
yes I wish that we never made it
Through all the summers
They're keeping us instead of
Kicking us back
Down through the suburbs

But uh oh, I love her because she moves in her own way
But uh oh, she came to my show just to hear about my day
But uh oh, oh I love her because she moves in her own way
But uh oh, oh she came to my show just to hear about my day